Monday, September 15, 2014

Wow only six years for post number two.

 Well hi and welcome to this my second blog here. I have joined blogging 101 at Since this is the first assignment in what I hope will actually this time be at least a weekly blog to go with my new website.

 First I guess I should say a little about me. I am in my early fifties, married and have three children whom I love but at the same time drive me around the bend. Even though my children are now adults they are still a large and important part of my life. The reason could be of course they keep moving home, not sure if I should be happy about it that they are around or crying because they are. My wife tolerates my idiosyncrasies and I love her to death for it, although if I take her at face value my death by her hands is imminent. I am a photographer who does fine art and concert photography mostly. I am also an extreme lover of art in all its forms. Music to sculptures and everything in-between I can never seem to get enough of it.

 I have been doing photography now for over thirty years and the changes to the business and technology in the time have been nothing but staggering. I think my initial mistake at trying to start a blog was believing that I had enough interest to talk about these changes in photography and in the technical aspects of it. I love being a photographer but I realize that I really have no interest in talking about the process, the tech or most other aspects of it. It is the final product I see from myself and others that interest me.  I do enjoy reading the occasional story, blog or post on the technical aspects of my business but for me to blog about it, I realize was just is not for me.

 I have done many types of work in my life and from those jobs I know how to build a house from the foundation to the roof. I am extremely computer literate and can build and fix computers. I have been on the board of non profit art gallery, the curator of an erotic art gallery (my erotic writings at the time were how I ended up meeting the owners).  I can fix and rebuild cars and too many other things to list. All through this I have either done photography as full-time or part-time profession.

 I want to blog because I miss writing. I used to write all the time, I would write my wife long, long letters. I would write stories that she would share and people would love. Than one day I am not sure why it all just stopped. I even wrote a children's book and a book of poetry in my younger days that were both published by a small publisher. Like photography I find writing cathartic and when I see the final product pride. I think what failed me with my first blog attempt was trying to write about things I really had no interest in. I spent too much time thinking about the end product and did not do what I enjoy and that is diving in to my passions and let my instincts take over. It seems when I do it that way I usually end up with things I love and I am proud of. It may not work for others but it had never failed me before. I am trying to get back to trusting my instincts and reverse the over thinking.

  I believe that I had a major creative roadblock, after my failed attempt at a blog, my cessation of writing eventually affected all my creative processes that also included photography. I kept doing it but something was missing and I was never able to put my finger on.  I still found the work I produced satisfying but just something was missing. I think I never thought I would have the creative block as I ended up having, it was not supposed to happen to me because in the first twenty five years it hadn't and not knowing what a creative block was I think I just assumed it would not happen to me but then one day wham, there it is.

 I know this post is all over the place and probably with some contradicting thoughts and ideas but I just let my fingers go on this. I know the writing is atrocious and maybe even a bit banal but I need to just get at it and stop overthinking it. So thanks for reading post number two here and for the six year wait I am sure this was not worth the wait.

Take Care and Peace,


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